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Save Your Child’s Cavity Teeth with a Filling by a Kid’s Dentist
Posted by Dr. Nahida Kazi on Wed, 1 Mar 2023
Save Your Child’s Cavity Teeth with a Filling by a Kid’s Dentist

Cavities are a chronic problem in children and toddlers. Alternatively, called tooth decay, cavities cause permanent damage to a tooth. Cavity teeth can develop in primary or baby teeth. You might shrug on getting treatment for a child because they will eventually lose their baby teeth. However, it would help if you never ignored a cavity because it can cause immense harm to your child’s dental and overall health.
Here is the information you must have about kids’ cavities, including their reasons, treatment options, and prevention tips.
Reasons for Cavities in Kids
Cavities occur when dental plaque erodes tooth enamel to cause a hole. Plaque is sticky and covers the teeth forming when the mouth bacteria combine with foods, acids, and saliva. Although brushing daily and flossing help prevent plaque buildup, cavities form because children are not adept at cleaning their teeth.
Children find it challenging to brush and floss until they are six, making it essential to supervise the child even to brush their teeth until they are sufficiently old to do a thorough job. In addition, many children don’t floss their teeth or misuse the tool. Cavities can develop between the teeth when dental plaque and food particles remain trapped between them. Flossing is also challenging for children making it essential for parents to provide help with this task.
Proper dental hygiene for children also includes six-monthly dental checkups. As adults see the dentist every six months, they must also schedule appointments with the kid’s dentist in Ajax, ON, a children’s specialist, soon after their child’s baby tooth appears around six months.
Dental hygiene isn’t the only responsible factor for cavities in children’s teeth because their diet also plays a role. For example, your child might be at higher risk of cavities or tooth decay if they consume excessive sugary, starchy, and sweetened foods. In addition, although additional research is essential, some might be genetically predisposed to cavities because of softer enamel.
What Can You Do If Your Child Has a Cavity?
Cavities aren’t always painful, making them challenging to recognize in children’s mouths. Some symptoms indicating holes in your child’s mouth include dark and white spots on a tooth, crying or fussiness, sensitivity to cold foods and beverages, lethargy, mouth swelling, and avoiding food. If you suspect your child has a cavity do not hesitate to schedule an appointment with kids dental to get them to examine your child’s tooth and suggest a treatment based on the extent of the damage.
How Do Pediatric Dentists Treat Cavities in Kids?
Dental fillings are most common for toddlers and children having one or more cavities. Fillings are placed on the baby and permanent teeth. During the procedure, the dentist removes the decay in the child’s tooth before filling the hollow space with a tooth-coloured composite or metal filler. Filling a cavity in your child’s baby or permanent tooth helps preserve it.
Preserving your child’s tooth is essential because early baby tooth loss causes the permanent tooth to emerge incorrectly. Primary teeth also assist your child in eating and speaking. Thankfully pediatric dentists can provide dental fillings to children and toddlers, sometimes as young as one or two years.
Occasionally if your child has developed excessive decay or has infections, the baby tooth needs extraction and filling the gap with a space maintainer to help the permanent teeth emerge correctly.
Getting children to sit in the dentist’s chair for dental fillings is challenging, and the pediatric dentist will administer nitrous oxide to help your child relax before the procedure. Your child will receive local anesthesia in the gums near the affected tooth for decay removal and filling placement. If your child has multiple cavities, the dentist might recommend breaking up the appointments to put your child at ease. However, it means additional back-and-forth visits to the pediatric dentist for you with your child.
Preventing Cavities in Children
The optimal way to prevent cavities in children is to educate your child about good oral hygiene. You may think watching your child like a referee is inappropriate. However, you must monitor their brushing and flossing, ensuring they are using the technique dentists recommend for at least two minutes.
Besides maintaining excellent dental hygiene, prevention also includes refraining the child from having sugary, starchy, and sweetened foods containing carbohydrates to minimize the growth of cavities. However, preventive measures are just as reasonable as you can manage them because children are sneaky and will find ways to circumvent your efforts. Therefore taking them to their dentist every six months for exams and cleanings is a better option than getting their teeth filled after they sustain permanent damage.
If your child has a cavity or several in their mouth, making every effort to save the teeth proves beneficial for you and the child. Consult Rossland Landing Dental Care with your child to determine how the dentist saves your child’s teeth by providing fillings.
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