Dental Articles - Ajax
We Are Still Open As An Essential Service
Posted by Dr. Nahida Kazi on Tue, 4 Jan 2022
We Are Still Open As An Essential Service

Please note that Rossland Landing Dental Care will remain open as an essential service following the province’s modified Step 2 COVID-19 lockdown on January 3rd, 2022, and which will come into effect on Wednesday, January 5th, 2022.
It is vital to maintain your oral health through regular dental visits and oral health monitoring. Dental issues rarely resolve on their own, and ignoring them for too long usually results in more invasive treatment and increasing discomfort.
Rest assured that we meet or exceed the current recommended COVID-19 safety guidelines. Here are some of the steps we follow to ensure your safety during your dental visits with us.
- Patient pre-screening/appointment confirmation COVID screening will be done over the phone. There will be a questionnaire we will go over with you. If we are unable to complete this step, we will have to reschedule your appointment.
- Staff will be screened for COVID symptoms along with their temperature being taken every day before they begin their shift.
- Patients will be re-screened upon arrival at clinic along with their temperature being taken with a contactless thermometer.
- Upon your arrival, please wait in your car or outside the office until your scheduled appointment time. The office will text/call you when we are ready to do your screening.
- ONLY scheduled patients will be allowed entry into the office. ** Parents and other family members will be asked to wait outside unless absolutely required. (e.g. one parent of a small child or a patient who requires accommodation)
- We require face coverings be worn by ALL patients upon entering the office. Feel free to wear your own face covering. If you do not have a covering, one will be provided to you
- Magazines and toys have been removed from the reception area. The children’s play area will not be accessible at this time.
- Hand sanitizer will be made available to all staff and patients.
- A custom-made sneeze guard has been installed in the reception area.
- More Personal Protective Equipment will be used by our clinical staff.
- Physical distancing enforced for all staff and patients.
- A pre-procedural hydrogen peroxide oral rinse will be given to all patients
- Enhanced operatory disinfection procedures have been implemented
- High contact surfaces in the office will be frequently cleaned with disinfectant wipes.
- All surfaces that came in contact with the patient will be wiped with disinfectant, including the patent chair and the accessory chair where the patient placed their personal belongings.
- Protocols have been introduced to reduce air borne aerosols during dental procedures
- Outside mail and packages are disinfected when they are delivered to the clinic
- Special appointment times will be available to our senior patients and patients with medical conditions
Please contact us to book your next visit today.
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